
Source & Curate Raw Data

Integration of Public Datasets and Domain Registrations
We utilize public datasets, including domain registration data and open data repositories, to identify emerging technological trends and potential advancements. This involves analysing new websites and technological enterprises' domain registrations, leveraging resources like GitHub and government databases to gain insights into software development trends and technology grants.

How do we track the domain data?

Tracking Domain Data and Source
Employing advanced web scraping and data mining technologies, we systematically track domain data across the internet, identifying emerging trends and potential technology adoptions at their inception.
Consented Data Sharing
Our ethical data collection is marked by transparent agreements with partners and securing explicit consent from individuals, ensuring all data is collected with informed, voluntary consent.

How do we track the Technologies?

Tracking Technologies
Our multifaceted approach includes proprietary algorithms, machine learning models, and systematic surveys to navigate through vast amounts of unstructured data, enabling us to detect technology signatures and footprints.
Understanding Technology Stacks
The paragraph describes a system that uses advanced data analysis (NLP, AI) to identify the technology stack of a company. It combines various data sources (aggregated data, domain data, surveys) to ensure accuracy.

How do we track the renewals?

Capturing Technology Renewals
Our monitoring system, powered by proprietary algorithms, observes digital traces left by subscription-based technologies to identify any changes indicating technology renewals or upgrades. System-generated surveys play a crucial role in validating these observations, enhancing the accuracy and reliability of our insights.

Monitor & Update GTM-Ready Data

Tracking Domain Data and Source
Employing advanced web scraping and data mining technologies, we systematically track domain data across the internet, identifying emerging trends and potential technology adoptions at their inception.
Consented Data Sharing
Our ethical data collection is marked by transparent agreements with partners and securing explicit consent from individuals, ensuring all data is collected with informed, voluntary consent.

Security & Privacy Standards

Adherence to Data Privacy and Security Practices
Our unwavering commitment to data security and privacy is demonstrated through adherence to leading industry standards and certifications, such as ISO 27001.

We Do Not Engage In Tracking

Mantech Mark is committed to ethical data practices, ensuring the privacy and security of information. In alignment with this commitment, there are specific types of information that Mantech Mark consciously chooses not to collect.

Personal Browsing History

Mantech Mark does not track or collect individuals' personal internet browsing history. Our focus is solely on publicly available data and consensually shared information pertinent to market analysis and technological trends.

Calendars and Meetings

We prioritise privacy by refraining from accessing or collecting personal or professional schedule information, including calendars, meeting schedules, and related data concerning personal or corporate appointments and engagements.

Private Email Content

Mantech Mark refrains from reading or collecting private email content. Data collection is limited to publicly available information or data provided directly by users or partners with explicit consent.


Sensitive Personal Information

We don't collect sensitive personal info unrelated to our analytics. This includes financial and health details, and other data without explicit consent for specific purposes.